The Clean Clone Company

Clones are currently available for sale to licensed cultivators state-wide.

We offer top of the line genetics designed for commercial cultivation. Our phenotypes focus on high yield, 8-9 week flower times, and potencies of 25%+. We source our genetics from some of the most renowned breeders in the industry including Psychonaut Genetics, Seed Junky, Cannarado, Capulator, and more.  

All clones and mothers are treated with beneficial insects to protect against thrips, spider mites, broad mites, russet mites, and root aphids. Our mothers are treated with an intensive and California compliant IMP program and all clones are treated with sulfur before they are packaged and delivered to your grow. Our rooted clones are hardened off and fed at 2.5 EC to ensure that they are ready to hit the ground running once you receive them.

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